Content Aware Studies
Air Kiss
The New Color
URL Stone
I Print Therefore I Am
Now Is Just Right Now
This Very Moment
Around the World at 80 Mb/s
The Link
Выставка в Rundum Space
Beyond The Surface
Wanderings 2.0
Praying Hands
Экспресс свидание
The Holy Aura
Caged Lighting
State Of Mine
New Now
28 May 2023

This book has a special place in my library. It was published with the support of European ARTificial Intelligence Lab, in partnership with Ars Electronica and brings together 13 cultural and six scientific institutions from across Europe. I am happy my series of works Content Aware Studies is mentioned there as one of the early examples of Ai driven research-based artistic practices.
Special thanks @onassis.stegi
@irini_mirena @arselectronica & bmkös
10 Mar 2023

CAS_15.1 Deep Frieze. 2021
Breccia marble, concrete, machine learning algorithms, unique synthetic dataset; dimensions: ~108x90cm.
Produced with support from: Onassis Foundation & Garage Museum. @onassis.stegi @garagemca
The Content Aware Studies (started in 2017) is a series of artistic investigations that spans computational, sculptural, screen-based and textual works that together critically examine what artistic, technical and philosophical capacities Ai technologies hold, both as means for automatic historical investigation & synthetic knowledge production.
Artificial neural network is directed to replenish lost fragments of classical sculptures. Analysing thousands of 3d scans, it generates models, which are then 3D printed, marble fabricated and used to fill the voids of the original sculptures.
(at Zebrastraat)
25 Feb 2023

It was an adventure, perhaps, a good one, to be on the jury for the first Asta Award for art, science & technology in Art & Ai category. To me personally, or rather politically, it was indeed not an easy decision to engage in a cultural initiative in my infamous motherland for the first time since the full-scale invasion (let’s admit this war is actually on for many years now). However, the community, which includes some of the most brilliant local (or previously-local) people that took part in the jury is a group of some extraordinary people within the art & science cultural project out there, who I genuinely want to stay connected to despite complete inability and geographical spread as a result of forced mobility, although perhaps this harm is incomparable to that of many others as a result of it all. I believe, in the times like this, we also need to try and preserve, something very valuable, – the community.
A shout-out to @amicat & @dashaazbil whose work was my nomination of choice.
30 Jan 2023

Some views of the show “Navigating the Digital Realm” in the EU commissions DG connect building in Brussels.
→ Instagram Link
23 Jan 2023

I was incredibly lucky to have been taking part in an academic visit at the @tokyo_geidai Geidai University of the Arts in Tokyo, a city I have an escapist romance with lately. And a place, where I’m currently working on some new stuff largely inspired by the unique locality.
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22 Dec 2022

@fondazioneprada recently published a brilliant catalogue dedicated to the exhibition “Recycling Beauty” - an unprecedented study about the reuse of Greek and Roman antiquities in post-antique contexts.
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15 Dec 2022

This is the Mount Fuji as seen from my aircraft on one of the recent flights to Europe. I’m now back again to Tokyo.
→ Instagram Link
22 Oct 2022

Just stumbled upon this image of our film Air Kiss screened at Deptford Moving Image festival @demomovingimage @deptfordx in London in 2019. Phew these were the times. The film was produced during our time as part of “The New Normal” @strelka_thenewnormal a think tank at Strelka Institute @strelka_institute, directed by Benjamin Bratton.
→ Instagram Link
20 Sep 2022

A wonderful outdoor show curated by brilliant @tactical_tech had opened in front of Berlin’s @deutschestechnikmuseum last week as part of @berlinartweek and followed by a screening programme at @hauberlin.
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Интердисциплинарный художник и исследователь Егор Крафт (Георгий Крафт) работает на территориях медиа, науки, критического исследования, философии и искусства. Егор окончил шведскую школу Gerlesborskolan, Московскую школу им. Родченко, факультет медиа-искусств Венской Академий Изобразительных Искусств, обучался по гранту в Центральном Колледже Искусства и Дизайна им. Святого Мартина в Лондоне и окончил постдипломную программу “Новая Норма” в институте «Стрелка». Егор принимал участие в биеннальных выставках и фестивалях, среди которых: Ars Electronica 2018, 2-ая и 5-ая Московские биеннале молодого искусства, Киевская Арсенале, Манифеста 10, WRO Биеннале Медиаискусства (Польша), Open Codes в музее ZKM (Германия), Cyfest (США/ Россия), фестиваль IMPAKT (Нидерланды), Parallel, Vienna Contemporary (Австрия), а также выставках в музеях Эрмитаж, МАММ, ММСИ, Гараж, Центр С. Курехина, ПЕРММ, Третьяковская Галерея, ЦВЗ “Манеж” и других, его видеоработы были представлены на международных фестивалях в Австралии, Великобритании, Южной Америке, Европе и США. Егор провел четыре персональные выставки в Швеции, России, Эстонии и Берлине. Был номинирован на премии Инновация 2017 (Новая Генерация), дважды на премию С. Курехина, приз Университета Искусств Лондона и Pulsar Art Prize (Франиция). Его работы находятся в интернациональных публичных и частных коллекциях. В 2017 году был включен в список New East 100 людей, мест и проектов из восточной Европы оказывающих влияние на наш мир сегодня по версии британского журнала Calvert.О практике
Структуры экспоненциально растущего объема вместимости; синтетический интеллект; мета-политические структуры власти берущие первенство над геополитическими, эпидемия производства информации планетарного масштаба, автоматизация её анализа; вездесущая дискретность и машинная интерпретация; лица, физические, юридические и синтетические агенты; биотехнологические вмешательства; спекулятивные криптоэкономики; все эти перспективы и контексты заново переопределяют аспект "человеческого". В какой мере этот аспект является автономным, непредсказуемым, нерасшифрованным, иррациональным? Каким образом тенденции человеческого иррационального, внутреннего, сокрытого и подсознательного, все то, чем мы привыкли определять разум, будут сосуществовать с точной вездесущей машинной автоматической организацией, неизбежно приближающейся во всеускоряющемся темпе эпохи антропоцена? Увидев однажды поверхность под микроскопом мы больше никогда не увидим её такой, какую знали раньше. Как мы переопределим 'человеческое' увидев через линзу других синтетических форм восприятия и мышления. Задать возникающие политические, этические и эстетические вопросы – новая и неотъемлемая задача художественного производства, как сугубо человеческого проекта.
2022-2023 Geidai University of the Arts | Tokyo, JPN Research visitor in the Intermedia Arts department under supervision of prof. Kiyoshi Furokawa
2017 Strelka Institute: The New Normal | Moscow, RUS
Programme director Benjamin H. Bratton
2014-2015 Central Saint Martins College | UAL London, GBR
Fine Arts, track 4D
2011-2016 Academy of Fine Arts | Vienna, AUT
Diploma studies in Arts & Media
2009-2011 The Rodchenko Art School | Moscow, RUS
Class prof. Alexei Shulgin | BFA, Media Art
2007-2008 The Gerlesborg School of Fine Art | Bohuslän, SWE
1998-2004 Art School №1 | St. Petersburg, RUS
2008 State of Mine / Gerlesborgskolan, SE
2012 Now is Just Right Now / Taiga, St. Petersburg, RU
2014 Wanderings 2.0 / Rundum, Tallinn EE
2018 Vienna Contemporary, Solo Booth / Vienna, AT
2018 Ákkta / Anna Nova Gallery, St. Petersburg RU
2019 Content Aware Studies / Alexander Levy, Berlin DE
2022 Lies, Half-Truths & Propaganda [The Bad, the Worse, and the Worst] | alexanderlevy Gallery, Berlin, DEU
Navigating the Digital Realm | DG Connect, Brussels, BEL
NTAA’22, New Technological Art Award | Zebrastraat Ghent, BEL
He Aprendido Que Tienes Que Rezar Por Lo Que No Conoces | Sala Amós Salvador, Logroño, ESP
NEAR+FUTURES+QUASI+WORLDS | Palácio Sinel De Cordes, Lisbon, PRT
Things | ART4 Museum, Moscow, RUS
Everything will be fine | Tactical Tech, Berlin, DEU
Codes and algorithms. Wisdom in a calculated world | Fundacion Telefonica, Madrid, ESP
Millennials in Contemporary Russian Art | Russian Museum, St.Petersburg RUS
Writing The History of the Future | ZKM, Karlsruhe, DEU
Re:Humanism 2 | MAXXI Museo Nazionale Delle Arti, Rome, ITA
You & AI: Through the Algorithmic Lens | Onassis Foundation, Athens, GRC
OSMOS, Fluid aesthetics | Electromuseum, Moscow, RUS
Still Human | Colección Solo, Madrid, ESP
Chaos Measure | Tsk19, Novosibirsk, RUS
Accrochage | alexanderlevy gallery, Berlin, DEU
Ars Electronica Garden: Datasets vs Mindsets | Electromuseum, Moscow, RUS
Net Works | Kara Agora Center, WEB
Kuryokhin Prize Nominees 2019 | St.Petersburg, RUS
WRO Biennale 2019 | Wrocław, POL
Non-Aligned Networks | Valletta Contemporary, Malta, MLT
Artificial Intelligence & The Intercultural Dialogue | Hermitage, St.Petersburg, RUS
Innovation Prize Show | Arsenal, Nizhny Novgorod, RUS
Writing the History of the Future | ZKM, Karlsruhe, DEU
Cosmoscow | Moscow, RUS
5th Ural Industrial Biennial: Main Project | Yekaterinburg, RUS
Kandinsky Prize Exhibition | MOMMA, Moscow, RUS
Art Düsseldorf | Alexander Levy Gallery, Düsseldorf DEU
WRONG Biennale #thescreenisnotthelimit | Online WEB
Learning Machines | Electromuseum, Moscow, RUS
Cyfest 11 / Stieglitz Academy, St. Petersburg, RU
Prototype #3 / Kuryokhin Center, St. Petersburg RU
Future Unhuman / Quartariata, St. Petersburg, RU
Innovation as Method / Hermitage, St. Petersburg, RU
Paradoxical Hybrids / Electromuseum, Moscow, RU
Paradoxical Hybrids / Hlebozavod, Vladivostok, RU
Open Codes / ZKM, Karlsruhe, DE
Ars Electronica / Linz, AT
Sciencefest / Saint Petersburg, RU
Pulsar Art Prize / Paris, FR
Daemons in the Machine / MMOMA, Moscow, RU
Impakt Festival / Utrecht, NL
The New State of Living / PERMM, Perm, RU
Innovation Prize / MUAR, Moscow RU
Art Athens: Citizen 6 / Athens, GR
The New Normal Showcase / Strelka Institute, Moscow, RU
Parallel Vienna: Format.strk / Vienna, AT
Ambient Intelligence screening / Enclave, London, UK
Prototype #4 / Kuryokhin Center, St. Petersburg, RU
V Moscow International Biennale for Young Art: Deep Inside, RU
Playroom / Union Studios, London, UK
Rodchenko Art School 10 Years / MAMM, Moscow RU
Itinéraire Bis / Salon-de-Provence, FR
All Eyes On Me / Pechersky Gallery, Moscow, RU
How We Became Each Other / Moscow, RU
Art Prospect Festival / St. Petersburg, RU
Corridor I: Onkalo / Insitu, Berlin, DE
What to say if there is nothing to say / Udarnik, Moscow, RU
Reflecting on the Boundaries / Kuryokhin Center, St. Petersburg, RU
On the trail of "Pop Mechanics” / Kuryokhin Center, St. Petersburg, RU
Manifesta X: Printed Matter / Museum of Printing, St. Petersburg, RU
No Translation / Museum for Applied Arts, Moscow, RU
Long Night of Museums / Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, RU
1st Kiev Biennale: Apocalypse & Rebirth / Kyiv National Museum Of Russian Art, UA
Originalcopy / Fluc am Praterstern, Vienna, AT
5th International Art Moves Festival / Toruń, PL
Infiltration Series 6 / Paradiso, Amsterdam, NL
Ribbons / The Galleries, Sydney, AU
INDI_VISUAL / Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, RU
Insight & Foresight / Garage Museum, Moscow, RU
II Young Art Biennale: Qui vive? / Moscow, RU
Media Act / Zhir Gallery, Vinzavod, Moscow, RU
2022 Geidai Tokyo University of the Arts | Tokyo, JPN
2019 STARTS Residency | University of Southhampton, GBR
2017 Quartariata Residency, St. Petersburg, RUS
2017 Wakefield Art House Nominee; Wakefield, GBR
2021 BMKÖS Perspektiven. Innovation. Kunst, AUT
2019 Garage, Art & Technology Programme, RUS
2019 STARTS Residencies, EU | GBR
2017 OeAD, International Exchange, AUT
2015 OeAD, International Exchange, AUT
Recycling Beauty | Fondazione Prada, ITAThe artist in a science lab | Maya Jaggi | Le Monde Diplomatique, FRA
E-Relevance. The role of Arts and Culture in the Age of Artificial Intelligence | Vuk Ćosić, Vladan Joler, Régine Debatty | Council of Europe, EU
What does art bring to science and technology? EU's "S+T+ARTS (Science, Technology & the ARTS)" | Miki Kanai | Bijutsu Techo Magazine, JP
Urban Interventions Book | Book, publisher Gestalten, DEU
Aesthetica Magazine | Exhibition feature article by Jack Castle, GBR
Art Press | Feature article by Dr. Dominique Moulon - Paris, FRA
CLARA: Perceiving Matter; article by Dr. Hallie G. Meredith & Sarah Barnett | Washington State University, USA
The Art Newspaper | Top 50 most promising Russian artists, RUS
Nero Magazine | Article AI As experience of the Limit by Daniela Cotimbo, ITA
Strelka Magazine | Do Machines Dream Of The Pergamon Altar? Interview by Yulia Gromova, Moscow, RUS
The Practice of Art & AI, Gerfried Stocker, Markus Jandl, Andreas J. Hirsch | Book
OKV Magazine | Feature article on NTAA by Benedict Vandaele, BEL
Calvert Journal | Russia Z Curated by Olesya Turkina, GBR
TK-21 | Ars Electronica article by Dominique Moulon, FRA
Metal Magazine | Interview by Mercedes Rosés, ESP
‘On Content Aware and Other Case-Studies’ - E. Kraft, E. Kormilitsyna | Published by City University of Hong Kong, HKG
‘Museum of Synthetic Histories’ - E. Kraft, E. Kormilitsyna |
Published by BCS. Learning and Development Ltd. Proceedings of POM Conference, UDK Berlin 2021
2022 NTAA: New Technological Art Award | Jury Award Winner, BEL
2021 Re:Humanism, 2nd Edition | Winner, ITA
2020 Top 50 Most Promising Russian Artists by The Art Newspaper
2020 Lumen Prize | Shortlisted, GBR
2020 Born Digital Award nominee, WEB
2020 Listed in 49ART
2019 Kandinsky Prize | Young Artist of the Year nominee, RUS
2019 Garage Museum Art & Technology Grant winner, RUS | DEU
2019 Innovation Prize | New Generation nominee, RUS
2019 STARTS Residencies fellow, EU
2019 Kuryokhin Prize nominee, RUS
2018 Pulsar Prize Finalist | Paris, FRA
2017 New East 100 by Calvert Journal, GBR
2017 Innovation Prize | New Generation nominee, RUS
2015 Nova Art Prize nominee, RUS
2014 Kuryokhin Prize nominee, RUS
2014 Creative Enterprise Award nominee | London, GBR
MAMM Multimedia Art Museum Moscow, RUS
Sergey Kuryokhin Center for Modern Art, RUS
Ripley’s, Orlando, FL, USA
Cyland Video Archive, USA | RUS
Colección Solo, Madrid, ESP
ZKM, Center for Art & Media, Karlsruhe, DEU
2022 Everything will be fine | Tactical Tech, Berlin, DEU
2020 Athens Digital Arts Festival | New Aesthetic: Macht & Kontrolle - All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace, GRC
2019 Short Film Festival | Cologne, DE
2019 Charon Cycle Screening | Tick Tack, Antwerp, BEL
2018 CYFEST11 Digital Video Art Program | New York, St. Petersburg, US, RUS
2018 To Touch The Sky | NCCA Kalinigrad, RUS
2017 Enclave Gallery | Ambient Intelligence | London, GBR
2017 The New Normal Showcase / Strelka Institute, Moscow RUS
2017 Citizen 6 part of Art Athens / Athens, GRC
2016 CYFEST Digital Media Program / Bogota, NYC, St.Petersburg, Mexico
2016 Royal Academy America, NYC, US
2016 Felt Book / Human Resources / Los Angeles, CA 2016
2015 CYBERFEST at Salon Leisure and Fantasy / Bogota, St. Petersburg, Berlin, London, Vilnius, Moscow, New York
NECS Lecture Series “Content Aware and Other Case Studies” | European Network for Cinema and Media Studies
Histories of the Avant-garde and Contemporary Disruptive Technologies | NY, USA
AI Artathon 2.0 | Riyadh, SA
Art Machines 2 Conference | City University of Hong Kong, HKG
Politics of the Machine Conference, Rogue Research | Berlin University of the Arts, DEU
DOCA Festival | Artist Talk, IGUMO, Moscow, RUS
Winchester School of Arts | Talking Heads Lecture Series, GBR
Winchester School of Art | Guest seminar on AI and speculative narratives with AMT Research group prof Jussi Parikka & Ryan Bishop, GBR
Content Aware Studies in conversation with Nadim Samman / Alexander Levy, Berlin, DE
The Measure of Chaos | Online Conference, WEB
NeurIPS Workshops | WEB
Content Aware Studies in conversation with Nadim Samman | Alexander Levy, Berlin, DEU
Human (un)limited | Ars Electronica Export, Moscow, RUS
LINK | Stiftung Niedersachsen, Kunstverein Hannover, DEU
MMOMA, Daemons in the Machine | Artist Talk, Moscow, RUS
Impakt Festival | Panel "Black Boxes for Fiction Makers", Utrecht, NLD
Proun Space | Artist Talk, Moscow, RUS
Cultural Forum St. Petersburg
Smolny College, St. Petersburg
ICA, Institute of Contemporary Art, Moscow
NCCA, National Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow
HSE, Higher School of economics, Moscow
Geek Picknick Festival, Moscow
New Holland, St. Petersburg
V Moscow Young Art Biennale’s Parallel Programme
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