


28 May 2023

This book has a special place in my library. It was published with the support of European ARTificial Intelligence Lab, in partnership with Ars Electronica and brings together 13 cultural and six scientific institutions from across Europe. I am happy my series of works Content Aware Studies is mentioned there as one of the early examples of Ai driven research-based artistic practices.

Special thanks @onassis.stegi

@irini_mirena @arselectronica & bmkös

10 Mar 2023

CAS_15.1 Deep Frieze. 2021

Breccia marble, concrete, machine learning algorithms, unique synthetic dataset; dimensions: ~108x90cm.

Produced with support from: Onassis Foundation & Garage Museum. @onassis.stegi @garagemca

The Content Aware Studies (started in 2017) is a series of artistic investigations that spans computational, sculptural, screen-based and textual works that together critically examine what artistic, technical and philosophical capacities Ai technologies hold, both as means for automatic historical investigation & synthetic knowledge production.
Artificial neural network is directed to replenish lost fragments of classical sculptures. Analysing thousands of 3d scans, it generates models, which are then 3D printed, marble fabricated and used to fill the voids of the original sculptures.

(at Zebrastraat)

25 Feb 2023

It was an adventure, perhaps, a good one, to be on the jury for the first Asta Award for art, science & technology in Art & Ai category. To me personally, or rather politically, it was indeed not an easy decision to engage in a cultural initiative in my infamous motherland for the first time since the full-scale invasion (let’s admit this war is actually on for many years now). However, the community, which includes some of the most brilliant local (or previously-local) people that took part in the jury is a group of some extraordinary people within the art & science cultural project out there, who I genuinely want to stay connected to despite complete inability and geographical spread as a result of forced mobility, although perhaps this harm is incomparable to that of many others as a result of it all. I believe, in the times like this, we also need to try and preserve, something very valuable, – the community.
A shout-out to @amicat & @dashaazbil whose work was my nomination of choice.


30 Jan 2023

Some views of the show “Navigating the Digital Realm” in the EU commissions DG connect building in Brussels.
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23 Jan 2023

I was incredibly lucky to have been taking part in an academic visit at the @tokyo_geidai Geidai University of the Arts in Tokyo, a city I have an escapist romance with lately. And a place, where I’m currently working on some new stuff largely inspired by the unique locality.
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22 Dec 2022

@fondazioneprada recently published a brilliant catalogue dedicated to the exhibition “Recycling Beauty” - an unprecedented study about the reuse of Greek and Roman antiquities in post-antique contexts.
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15 Dec 2022

This is the Mount Fuji as seen from my aircraft on one of the recent flights to Europe. I’m now back again to Tokyo.
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22 Oct 2022

Just stumbled upon this image of our film Air Kiss screened at Deptford Moving Image festival @demomovingimage @deptfordx in London in 2019. Phew these were the times. The film was produced during our time as part of “The New Normal” @strelka_thenewnormal a think tank at Strelka Institute @strelka_institute, directed by Benjamin Bratton.
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20 Sep 2022

A wonderful outdoor show curated by brilliant @tactical_tech had opened in front of Berlin’s @deutschestechnikmuseum last week as part of @berlinartweek and followed by a screening programme at @hauberlin.
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